
Hilmarton Primary School

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Hilmarton Primary School

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Vision and Values

With input from Parents, Pupils and Governors, we reviewed the vision statement for Hilmarton Primary School during 2021. Our vision sets out what we want to achieve for everyone associated with our school.


Our Vision:


To nurture and inspire all to believe in themselves and:


  • Explore and develop an enthusiasm for knowledge and understanding
  • Enjoy learning
  • Learn to be responsible global citizens


Our school values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Our school motto is Explore, Enjoy, Learn because we believe that in order for children to learn effectively they need to enjoy what they are doing and be given the opportunity to explore new ideas and experiences.

Our Aims are what we want everyone at Hilmarton Primary School to aspire to and our Values are those qualities which we want to cultivate.


High expectations


Enthusiastic learners


Independent learners and thinkers


To contribute to our community






SPACES AVAILABLE - Please contact the school office 01249 760602 for more information and to arrange a visit.