
Hilmarton Primary School

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Hilmarton Primary School

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Hilmarton Primary School Governing Board

What do we do?

All state schools are required by law to have a Governing Board. The core functions of the Governing Board are to:

  1. Set the vision and strategic direction for the school;
  2. Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and for the management of staff; and
  3. Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure that its money is well spent


The day to day running of the school is the responsibility of the headteacher. The role of the governors is to set the direction and policies for the school and to ensure that the school functions well by supporting and challenging the leadership team of the school.


At Hilmarton Primary School the Full Governing Board normally meets six times each year. Much of the work of the Governing Board is carried out by two committees which also normally meet once a term (six times a year).


Curriculum and Staffing Committee:

  • Maintains strategic oversight over all curriculum areas;
  • Ensures that all legally required curriculum-related policies are in place;
  • Reviews data on pupil progress and attainment;
  • Provides guidance in all matters relating to the effective management of the school’s staffing resources;
  • Ensures that all legally required staff-related policies are in place;


Finance and Premises Committee:

  • Provides guidance in all matters relating to budgeting and finance;
  • Ensures that all financial transactions are conducted in accordance with good practice as directed by the Local Authority;
  • Ensures that the school complies with all current health and safety regulations and legislation;
  • Reviews priorities for maintenance, redecoration and improvements to the school’s premises and grounds.


In addition, most governors are linked to a curriculum area and subject leader as a way of fulfilling their responsibility for monitoring the curriculum; this involves classroom visits and meetings with the teacher.


Who are we?

The Hilmarton Primary School Governing Board consists of:

  • The headteacher
  • One staff governor
  • One Local Authority governor
  • Two parent governors
  • Eight co-opted governors


The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.

Hilmarton Primary School Governing Board 


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