Normal school hours (32.5 hours a week)
8:25 - 8:30 am - children arrive at school
8:30 am - register
10:10 - 10:25 am - play break
12:00 - 1:00 pm - lunch time
3:00pm - children go home or to an after school club
Children are able to be dropped off at school from 8:25, the classteacher will collect the children at 8:30am. In Reception and Key Stage 1 parents are able to wait with their children, in the back playground, until the classteacher arrives to take them into the classroom. Children in KS2 can be dropped at the front playground from 8:25am, when a member of staff will be on duty until 8:30 am. Each class will be taken in via a different door to their classroom this is to prevent congestion in our narrow corridors.
The register is taken as soon as the children go into class. Children arriving after the class have gone in will need to be signed in at the school office and the children taken into class by a member of the admin team.
The main focus for the lessons throughout the morning are Maths and English and usually a reading session before lunch at 12pm.
All children have a play break during the morning. During this time children are able to have a healthy snack - we encourage children in KS2 to bring in a healthy snack from home. KS1 children will have a portion of fruit/veg provided for them.
The children will then resume their learning until 12:00pm when lunch time starts. Lunch ends at 1:00pm.
During the afternoon children will be involved in a variety of different lessons including theme based art, geography, history and science. Throughout the year different classes will also have the opportunity to work with specialist sports coaches and Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will spend a term each swimming at Calne Community Campus on a Monday Morning.
The school day ends at 3pm for all children. Reception and KSI are collected from the main playground at the rear of the school and KS2 are collected from the front playground. We ask that parents inform us if someone different is collecting their child as we only release the children to the expected adult.
We have a variety of after school clubs which usually run from 3:00-4:00pm. Please see the School Clubs page for more information.