
Hilmarton Primary School

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Hilmarton Primary School

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At Hilmarton Primary School we to strive to ensure that we provide a broad and balanced curriculum which nurtures the whole child enabling all to thrive academically, socially, emotionally and physically.  

Our Curriculum Intent Statement aims to encapsulate our overall mission through to the success criteria. All of our stakeholders have contributed to this work and we thank them for the support we receive.

Children in the Reception year follow the Early Years Foundation Stage. Pupils in years 1-6 are taught the three core subjects of English, Maths and Science and the seven foundation subjects: History, Geography, Desigh and Technology, Art, Music, Physical Education and Computing. Religious Education, which is statutory, is taught outside of the National Curriculum following the Wiltshire Agreed Syllabus using the Discovery RE resource. Pupils also follow a PSHE programme and in years 3-6 are taught French. Since September 2022 we also implemented a well-being programme for all year groups.

Please note that our curriculum is constantly evolving, we work on a two year cycle to ensure complete coverage of the foundation subjects due to our mixed age classes therefore our curriculum differs from year to year.

We use Twinkl Phonics throughout the school to teach 'synthetic' phonics. The synthetic phonics approach teaches children the sounds of individual, pairs and strings of letter so that they can blend (synthesise) these sounds together to read and write words. Twinkl Phonics uses a multi-sensory approach to teaching children the building blocks of reading, each phoneme has an action, a story and a song to help children to learn how to say and write each sound. The scheme has published reading books, Rhino Readers to support the development of reading throughout Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and into Key Stage 2. 


To find out more about how the curriculum is taught look at our Class Pages.

At Hilmarton Primary School, all teachers are responsible for providing an inclusive curriculum that is differentiated for those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. 

SPACES AVAILABLE - Please contact the school office 01249 760602 for more information and to arrange a visit.