
Hilmarton Primary School

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Hilmarton Primary School

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Hilmarton Breakfast Club




Mrs Lynne Wilcock welcomes you to Hilmarton Breakfast Club.  We are open Monday to Friday term time only and located in the School Hall.  We open from 7.30am where your child will receive a breakfast or you are welcome to drop off from 8am without breakfast included.  We will then walk them over to school at 8.30am.  We take both school and pre-school children.  Here is a full list of our opening times and charges:

          With Breakfast:

                    7.30am –    8.30am – school

                    7.30am –    8.45am – playgroup

                    Daily cost:   £4.80 per session per child


        Without Breakfast:

                    8.00am –   8.30am – school

                    8.00am –   8.45am – playgroup

                    Daily cost:   £2.80 per session per child


If you would like further information, please pop in the School Hall between 7.30-8.30am or alternatively, please call:

Mrs Lynne Wilcock - 07768 518419


Please note your child/ren must be registered with us to enable you to book sessions.  Registration and Booking forms are located in the blue rack outside the School Office or with the Playgroup.  Alternatively these can be downloaded using links below. 

SPACES AVAILABLE - Please contact the school office 01249 760602 for more information and to arrange a visit.