
Hilmarton Primary School

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Hilmarton Primary School

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School Closure - Remote Learning

School Closure


We will always do our best to be open for our children to attend school. However, we may need to close in the advent of:

Adverse weather - if it is unsafe to travel or the school site is not safe for children to attend.

Staff absence - where an insufficient number of staff are able to attend school in order for the school to run safely.

Local or national emergencies - where schools are advised or mandated to close to all or selected pupils. 


If the closure is planned we will provide written materials for children initially and online support to children and parents. Where the closure is not planned for in advance we will post lessons on the class pages of our website.


Remote learning for individuals 

Occasionally a child may be fit to learn but unable to attend to school. In this case we will consult with parents and the child (where appropriate) to put together a programme of work which can be completed at home. 

After School Care Now Available - Please view the information in the parents section